Ditch Diets & Reject Resolutions for Wellness in 2017
Every year, thousands of people make New Year’s resolutions. Most times it is to do with health and wellness. I am focusing on food-related resolutions, as a case in point. Reports show that diet-related resolutions don’t work. For example, those who do go on a crash diet, lose some weight and then stop, usually put on more weight by going back to their old habits.
Well, it may be time to try a different approach. Taking one step at a time and turning a new behavior into a habit is a useful approach. For instance, if somone wants to avoid diabetes, then a small first step might be to give up sugary soda. Then comes the longer-term commitment: following through. Changing habits can be difficult, but starting is half the battle.
Let’s go a step further. If we are genuinely interested in changing our food-related habits to avoid diabetes, the trick is to change gradually without feeling that it’s a burden or we are being deprived. Once we’ve stopped the soda and that has become a habit, we can add on the next behavior. Perhaps this is skipping dessert when you go out to restaurants. You don’t have to miss all the fun though: you could substitute refined sugars with fruits. Over time, you’ll find that you feel much better, and then you’ll want to give up sugar altogether. Sugar is, according to research, more addictive than heroin, so don’t give yourself a hard time, just stay on the path of wellness.
Some of these not-so-healthy habits or addictions, like sugar, include: taking refined, processed and animal products that typically contain addictive flavor chemicals, antibiotics, and other nasties; smoking and drug use; alcohol abuse; being physically inactive; and depression, which research suggests is caused by a lack of social connection.
Once we master the art of changing an existing behavior into new habit, we gain confidence and feel encouraged. We may even decide to embrace wellness as a lifestyle. Simple reflection on our own lives can, along the way, give us the insight needed to improve, and continue to improve the situation.
Habits are formed over many years and it feels very comfortable to do things the same way every time. However, to get a different result, the practices or habits need to change. Einstein was onto something when he said:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
For 2017, try the approach that actually works. Ditch diets and reject resolutions. Focus on building one healthy habit at a time, and surround oneself with supportive people, starting with your number one advocate and best friend: YOU.
At Alchemus Prime, we practice healthy habits as a lifestyle and this powers all our work. Share with us how you are embracing wellness in 2017!
This is a guest post by the ever-energetic Margaret Cornelius, (an)altruist at Alchemus Prime.

Sugar is more addictive that heroin, and in the quest for healthy habits, we bake without refined sugars. This is our latest creation: vegan, gluten-free brownies with applesauce.