What is Career Manifestation?
In a culture that is fast-paced, competitive, materialistic and often superficial, slowing down enough to find one’s inner and outer balance can be difficult. Clients who come to us may feel stuck, apprehensive about transitions or stressors they are facing, simply knowing they are not performing at their best, or wanting to make a change. Generally, they are asking one or more of these questions.
We launched our Career Manifestation program in response to such clients and based on exploratory interviews with diverse professionals at different career stages who seek ways to balance work, family, play, rest, service, and fun. We help clients achieve this balance by leveraging their skills, talents, networks, assets, and resources strategically for their industry or market, while optimizing social, economic and environmental sustainability.
Applying the Alchemus Prime Diamond Model, we combine behavior change tools with design thinking processes, meditation practices, and immersion in nature to help our clients discover and nurture their true selves. Our philosophy is: If you’re not being true to yourself, your contributions to every part of your life will be suboptimal. When you cultivate and prioritize your true and authentic self, you will bring your best to every project, person, and passion you choose.
We implement the Career Manifestation Program through tailored retreats for individuals, teams, and organizations. The Career Manifestation experience is intense and is best summed up by clients. Here’s what one had to say:
“I wasn’t sure if [the retreat] would accomplish my objectives, but wanted to give it a try as I was feeling unsure of what our next steps at [our nonprofit] should be…
I was also hesitant [about whether]…the retreat costs were the best use of the money we had in [our] account. Thus far, I had never used money donated to [our nonprofit] for anything other than project expenses…
The first two days were stressful and I couldn’t sleep well at night. At the end of the second day, I slept soundly as the pieces fell into place…I had clarity on how the various projects fit together into a grand pattern. Until then, I wasn’t sure if the various steps [being taken] would lead to the desired outcome.
Yes, [I achieved my goal], undoubtedly. The extremely lofty goal of mapping out a strategy for whole system change [was attained]. The retreat met my goals but exceeded my expectations. This was my first such retreat.
With the new model, we now have a concrete model to realize our vision…Thanks!”
— Executive Director, PhD, environmental nonprofit
At Alchemus Prime, we don’t do band-aid style work. We go to the fundamental, root and core of the issue and help you resolve it so you can be a self-sufficient leader. We don’t settle for less than 360-degree win-win solutions that uplift our clients, their clients, society, and Ma Earth. Working with people and bleeding-edge technologies, we apply science-based tools to foster transformative innovation.
Held in balance by our diamond model, which harmonizes the seemingly opposing forces of business and nature, all the elements of the earth are protected. Hence the alchemy of us (Alchemus) leading at our best (Prime):

Alchemus Prime’s Career Manifestation Program allows you to optimize your skills, talents, and resources to prioritize yourself, your goals, and your passions in ways that benefit all life.