2018 in Review: Foundations for Expansion
It’s 2019. A time for new beginnings and, importantly, a time to reflect on what has been. 2018 was a pivotal year for Alchemus Prime. We launched new services and saw surges in engagement from our audiences and clients. Let me cover a few highlights in this post, drawing from our Year in Review report.
- Mornings with Marilyn: A new service launched on May 23, 2018, this is a daily Facebook video show that highlights positivity, mindfulness, self-love, and how to overcome trauma. Videos are short and include storytelling and meditation. To date we have almost 700 people from around the world in our audience, with 80% engagement on average.
- Lasting Transformation: Launched formally at the end of 2017, our coaching program has seen a lot of traction, with 10 clients over the course of 2018. We focus on trauma removal, diet, stress reduction, self-love, leadership, career transitions, communication, and relationships. Clients have made great strides in their lives, overcoming difficulties to embrace joy and success.
- Courses: We developed five courses in 2018 and taught one, on self-love. Students saw tremendous improvements in stress reduction, self-love, and mindfulness, as well as the ability to discern their harmful own behavior patterns. Most of the courses developed are based on our books.
- Books: We wrote and published four books in 2018:
- Living and Leading Authentically Series:
- The Path to Romantic Success: Book 1 in the series, detailing why self-love is the foundation for success in relationships, career, and pretty much everything else.
- From Abused to Empowered: Book 2 in the series, containing real case studies of abuse and trauma, in accessible language.
- Flavor of Love: our third recipe book, containing plant-based and gluten-free fusion dishes inspired by Fijian and other cultures.
- Angels Who UpLyft: a book outlining life lessons I learned from brief encounters in Lyft carpools in San Francisco during the summer of 2018.
- Living and Leading Authentically Series:
- Workshops and Retreats: We had an exciting year in terms of facilitation, helping communities as diverse as caregivers dealing with diabetes in rural Fiji in collaboration with FRIEND and Australian AID, and women in Australia who are ready to release trauma. Our workshops and retreats focus on behavior change and meditation techniques, as well as systematic processes for creativity and empowerment.
- Speaking Engagements: All our speaking engagements and interviews centered on our Living and Leading Authentically Framework, and included topics like integrity in leadership, self-love & trauma, climate change & behavior change; and mindfulness & Reiki. Locations included Sacramento, California; Suva and Lautoka, Fiji; and Sydney and Gold Coast, Australia. The latter talks were part of a South Pacific Speaking Tour, which continues in 2019 with New Zealand as a possible next stop. I have been hosted in each country by members of Mornings with Marilyn, and feel grateful for the love and hospitality I have received.
- What’s Next: Our main goal for 2019 is expansion so we can help more people who are ready to be their limitless true selves. We have a lot planned, including a meditation podcast; the audiobook version of The Path to Romantic Success; expansion of speaking engagements across more nations; more books in our leadership series and beyond; recruiting more students for our self-love and trauma courses; and ongoing coaching and workshops, including a retreat in Fiji in 2019 or 2020. Stay tuned!
If you have questions, would like to know more about our work, or are interested in hosting me as a speaker, let me know. You can also sponsor someone to attend our speaking tour events. 2019 is a magical time for new ways of living, let’s be sure not to live the same year over and over. Make a change!

A collage summarizing a very full year for Alchemus Prime: Mornings with Marilyn, speaking tour, books, courses, coaching, and workshops. Onward!