5 Tips for the Whole Self: Integration
Some weeks ago, I gave an interview about how we work, and recently, I was talking to a client about why we write biomimetic recipe books, and what came out of my mouth in both instances must have been coherent because in each case we both paused for a moment, digesting and considering all the aspects of why we at Alchemus Prime do what we do, and why we do it the way we do. Let me see if I can recreate at least a little of those moments. It’s a bit like Da Vinci said:
To develop a complete mind: study the art of science; study the science of art. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Everything we do and every service we offer is a holistic and systematic manifestation of our vision and mission:
Our Vision:
We harmonize business and nature through human innovation to safeguard the future.
Our Mission:
We augment the growth of leaders using our integrated and novel science-based tools, demonstrating that it is good business to sustain nature.
Let’s consider the vision. Think about nature for a moment: nature is everything around us, including the living systems and environments that we depend on for life, that we build from, and that we are currently destroying at unprecedented rates.
Now let’s look at human innovation, which we define as many methods for creating new systems, behaviors, and processes. We focus on behavior change, design thinking, biomimicry, and meditation techniques in our science-based model, the Alchemus Prime Diamond Model.
Essentially, because science offers us ways to change our behavior quickly and innovate our way out of challenges in ways that benefit humans and the rest of nature, there’s hope. We operationalize that hope.
Harmonizing humans and nature means integrating the whole self with the planet. We do this in five ways:
- Mind: we hack limiting beliefs with affirmations and meditation, helping boost self-efficacy and confidence in the true self.
- Body: we provide dietary recommendations and habit change techniques to optimize the body, which has benefits for the brain too. A plant-based diet in particular has many benefits for wellness and productivity.
- Purpose: as the mind and body experience increasing clarity, we help with clarifying passion and purpose, including how to harness financial, social, and environmental abundance.
- Nature: we encourage clients to experience their growing clarity while communing with nature, usually via a spectacularly inspiring retreat or workshop location such as near a forest, the mountains, desert, or ocean.
- Creation: as we shed old habits, we help put the clients’ purpose into action by helping them create new systems, models, and processes that help them thrive, and show humans ways to return to harmony with nature, whether it’s through technology, education, materials, or other means.
We leverage behaviors that have maximum benefit to the human body and mind, as well as the planet. For example, a plant-based diet has positive impacts on chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease, and raises the efficiency of using land and water, while reducing damage to forests, biodiversity, and animals. We focus on helping clients get started on plant-based diets or in that general direction using our own recipes, specifically designed for beginners, with personal stories that encourage experimentation, and offer low-energy cooking methods with local ingredients that follow the seasons. We integrate this process with meditation and affirmation techniques, and all of the steps listed above.
We also advocate for a practice I call social biomimicry, which I define as emulating the behavior and principles of humans who live in harmony with nature, such as indigenous populations living in subsistence. For example, the Navajo people know how to read signals from nature, and harvest resources for efficient and sacred use for their survival throughout the seasons and crises. These practices are what we need now more than ever to return humanity into balance with the rest of nature.
In this holistic way, we apply nature-friendly values and the best scientific tools to help clients embrace change in ways that improve personal and planetary wellness. If you like what you’re reading about our approach, feel free to drop us a note and we can chat further.

Our model is summarized as connecting with self, others, and nature (meditation); creating new ideas and models (design thinking); transforming behavior and systems (behavioral science); and sustaining solutions by learning from nature (biomimicry).