3 Milestones that Signal Authenticity
It’s the season of milestones for us. Alchemus Prime, my company, turned 9 years old on April 29. Mornings with Marilyn, a video show I started on May 23, 2018, just completed 6 years. And, today we are launching our 40th book, since we started publishing in November 2015. As I reflect on these milestones, I am reminded of the struggles and triumphs I went through to get here. Let’s take a look at how my journey has always returned to authenticity.
- When the universe says no, pay attention – there’s a bigger YES. There was a time when I doubted myself, and my ability to make it as an entrepreneur. I was in a transition and I was scared. I applied to 60 jobs in 6 months, and interviewed with some companies. Nothing was a good fit, and unsurprisingly, I wasn’t offered any roles. I searched my soul and the answer that kept coming was: you are not supposed to fit into any job, you are meant to create your own path. I had to face my fear of failing, and become my own authority. Now, I offer a range of services and have fun helping clients. I love all that I do, I work on my terms, and I’m so glad I didn’t let fear stop me back then.
- It’s okay to be vulnerable – it means you’re being real. When I made my first video, I was hesitant and nervous. That video was about Nelson Mandela being free in his mind while his body was caged for 27 years. It was about the power we have, if we can control and direct our minds. A voice inside me urged me to make that video, and it’s been that voice that has guided me since. I wake up and there’s a message inside me that wants to go out. Often people write to me and say, “I needed that message today, thanks Marilyn.” I leaned into my vulnerability and I put myself out there. It’s been six years and I’m more and more comfortable being out there – even if only one person is touched by my videos, I’ve fulfilled my mission.
- Surrender is the best strategy. I started channeling books one day, and it hasn’t stopped. Even when I’ve had doubts about whether the channeling will continue, I’ve kept my mind clear. It’s in the idle moments in between tasks, or just after waking up or going to bed, or in the shower, that the insights arrive in a flash. Hours or days later, a book has been produced. Today, I am launching Alchemus Prime’s 40th book, a fun travel book with fashion, poetry, sightseeing and vegan food from Sid and my adventures in the UK. It’s called Vegan Vogue Vistas: Stylish Eats, Sightseeing Feats and Poetic Treats. The book channeled during a Sunday evening meditation. I hope you enjoy it, and cultivate clarity so you can channel your work as well.
The moral of my story has been what Shakespeare said so eloquently through Polonius in Hamlet: This above all: to thine own self be true. It is our authenticity that will guide us through every terrain, and elevate us to our highest calling. Share with me your own experiences with authenticity.