3 Reasons to Pay it Forward: Christmas TreatBox Reflections
While it was a phenomenal year for us, as you probably saw from our Year in Review, it was also a tough year emotionally with deaths in the family, and a family emergency that shocked us. As we reflected on how to bring Christmas TreatBox to our wonderful customers, my intuition was to give, not sell, in the spirit of Christmas. We resolved to start a wave of kindness through a giveaway, in which we selected five people to give Christmas TreatBoxes to, and asked them to pay it forward by doing something kind for someone in need.
We made delectable treats: a spiced pudding slice with a ginger-infused custard layer, a chocolate slice with a cardamom-cashew topping, and our signature mango-pineapple sago pudding cups. We gave away a total of 11 TreatBoxes, to our customers, family and friends.
By far the best part of our Christmas TreatBox giveaway experience was a set of interactions I had with a couple of TreatBoxers – one of them inquired if I had any spare treats, as she wanted to gift a TreatBox to her neighbor. I had to say no, because I didn’t have enough to make an extra box. Later that day, another giveaway winner contacted me, saying she wanted to gift her TreatBox to someone to bring them holiday cheer. I immediately mentioned the TreatBoxer who wished to gift a TreatBox to her neighbor.
And that’s how a small Christmas miracle allowed one TreatBoxer to pay it forward to another…and I was so happy to facilitate this gift giving and to have our treats be that special gift.
Whenever life feels hard, or in general, whenever we have a moment, it’s so important to explore the gift of giving. Three reasons you want to explore giving:
- Giving allows you to shift your focus to someone who might be in need, instead of dwelling on your own woes.
- Giving allows you to connect with others in a meaningful way.
- Giving allows you to feel the joy of making a difference in someone’s life, even in a small way.
As we start 2023, let our generosity and kindness continue – with good boundaries, of course.
Share with us your joyful experiences of giving.