Capitalism, Climate, and Extinction
In this interview, Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, Guy McPherson discusses what he calls irreversible climate change impacts. He faults capitalism for the current predicament, and states that a complete collapse of the current global economy is imminent. McPherson lives off the grid and participates in a gift economy.
Despite this very dire situation, McPherson provides some insights for how we humans are to live out the rest of our lives. I especially appreciated these two quotes from him:
“As individuals and as a species, I doubt we have much time left on the planet. I recommend passionately pursuing a life of excellence rooted in love. Identify what you love. Pursue it, with passion. Throw off the shackles of a culture gone seriously awry. Along the way, you’ll be viewed as insane. Most professional psychotherapists, embedded in an omnicidal culture, will provide little help.
Find your tribe. Spend time with those you love. Love the ones you’re with.”
And, on how to prepare for extinction:
“By living with death in mind. By loving what is, not what should be. By identifying what we love, and pursuing it. By pursuing excellence in our lives. By doing what is right, without attachment to the outcome. All of which applies even if we live forever.”
The time is now to live the life you intend, and to cultivate practices that are in harmony with nature. I remain eternally optimistic that we can turn things around, and adapt to climate change by changing our behavior.

Human-induced climate change is the single most challenging phenomenon of our time. Only a drastic change in our behavior can help all of life survive.