366 Steps to Sculpting Positivity
The holidays. A time for renewal, reflection and resolution. A time for reconnecting with loved ones and reinvigorating relationships weathered by a long and draining year.
But the holidays can also be a period of anxiety for many of us. Years of unresolved trauma can surface when people get together in the name of festivity, turning the holidays into a field of landmines that you cannot wait to escape or avoid altogether. And this toxic cycle continues into the new year leaving you feeling trapped and disempowered…again.
There is a way forward. You are not alone. By sculpting positivity you can face these situations and not run or hide. Changing your response requires positivity, gratitude and empowerment. It takes practice and support.
This book is testament to what can be achieved when we feel safe to be vulnerable, share, and learn together. With a daily inspiration for reflection and meditation, join Marilyn and 600+ members of her community in learning how to be happier, more content, and how to release trauma so you can live a life of true freedom.
Here is a taste of the type of reflection and thought provoking questions this book contains:
Excerpt 269
When you think you’ve broken the pattern, why does the same type of situation or person show up again? This is happening to a lot of us. We are working to break the trauma pattern but then it shows up again. When this happens, it’s a test to see if you will respond in the same way as always, or behave differently. If you choose to act differently and set better boundaries, the situation may go away for good. If you react in the same way, the situation will keep coming back until you change your response. What will you choose today?
As Lao Tzu famously said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This coming year, take the first step towards empowerment and positivity.
Gift Sculpting Positivity to yourself and a friend today.

Guest authored by Nic Cornelius.
What a powerhouse of love inspiration and fun are you Marilyn, your love and commitment is helping multitudes overcome patterns of trauma whilst at the same time equipping many with the necessary tools to embody inner wholeness, IM one of those who has benefitted tremendously from my interactions with you. Congratulations on your new book (Sculpting Positivity) I’m sure many will be enriched by it.
Much Love Alexander John
Thank you very much! Wish you the very best as you continue the journey!
The gist of what the book is so interesting, powerful and so relevant and timely in today’s society and world. A must read book which I am looking forward to go through and am sure it will be enriching and thought provoking. Answers to what we go through in life and what assistance is available.
Thank you! I am very honored that you read my books, even though you’re not fond of reading books. You’re more of a video guy! So privileged!
His resonates with me in relation to trauma patterns. How do we get a copy of your book? Thanks! Scott
Hi Scott, thanks for your interest! My book is available for purchase here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1712264648?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
I also have a book on trauma patterns that goes into a lot of depth and provides some solutions for release: https://amzn.to/35tKmDI