366 Ways to Stay Positive: Previewing our 16th Book
I was participating in a pranic healing meditation when the idea for Alchemus Prime’s 16th book came to me. I saw the book in my mind, and then proceeded to write it over the past two weeks. It’s a collection of 366 inspirations from the daily video show, Mornings with Marilyn. The show is about one and a half years old, and the book contains nuggets that keep giving their gifts of positivity.
As part of the process of creating the book, I reached out to my viewers, asking them for words to describe the show, and reviews that I could include in the book. I wanted their feedback to shape the book, because I do the show for them and we are a community.
What I received was very humbling. In this post, I’m sharing with you the word cloud that combines all the adjectives viewers gave me (below). And, the review from one of my earliest viewers that left me stunned, and inspired a revision in the name of the book:
An awesome journey of more than a year with Mornings with Marilyn has indeed inspired me to convert my mind, body and soul into a more positive & stronger version. Personally, I appreciate, admire and adore her for genuinely offering her wisdom and encouragement by tapping into her personal experience while providing unique insights, building up and helping others to become the best version of themselves, from a healthy diet and good nutrition to stress management, which are significant components of a positive lifestyle.
Like a sculptor, she tirelessly works on depleted souls, shaping and transforming so many lives, instilling the belief that their personal lives can be compared to the process of sculpture. I’m thanking Marilyn for living by example and sharing all the motivation, strength, and wisdom to discover profound insights and practices and help access deep levels of love and freedom so we can trust our intuition, follow our dreams, speak our truth, and count our blessings. God bless Marilyn.
Viewer in Fiji
For the rest, you’ll have to wait and see. This book is in the proofing stages and will be launching just in time for holiday gift giving. You can give the gift of endless positivity this year, and uplift someone’s life.
If you’d like to be added to the list for information about how to pre-order, and win a free signed copy, contact transmute@alchemusprime.com

This word cloud is a result of “Mornings with Marilyn” viewers’ chosen adjectives to describe the show.