4 Secrets to Empowered Communication
As a life and trauma coach I encounter many amazingly competent professionals who communicate poorly due to fear, lack of confidence, intimidation, overflowing emotions, anxiety, (which is being made worse with COVID-19), or a host of other reasons. I have noticed that I’ve turned into a “disempowerment detector” and I point it out to clients right away when they are putting themselves down.
This pattern recognition tendency I have, led me to develop a framework for empowered communication in difficult situations. The framework covers many aspects of communication, including body language, non-verbal and verbal cues, as well as being prepared for the conversation through due diligence and boundary setting. I use mindfulness and behavioral science techniques to empower participants through practice in a safe environment with peer support.
In this post I’ll give you a sneak peak at my framework, and if you’re interested to learn more, attend one of my upcoming workshops in Suva or San Francisco (dates are being deferred due to COVID-19).
The framework is called S.A.F.E. and this stands for:
- Stance – How to be centered so that you don’t get triggered and lose your cool.
- Attitude – How to manage yourself and the way you come across in your communication.
- Foundation – How to do the background research and due diligence that’s needed before the difficult communication, and
- Execution – How to structure the conversation and deliver your message for the effect and outcome you want.
Each of these sections of the S.A.F.E. Framework contains subsections that cover even more aspects of how to communicate in an empowered manner. In the workshops I currently cover Execution, because this allows participants to take what they learn and immediately apply it in their workplace or at home, or wherever a difficult situation arises.
I was interviewed recently by Fiji TV on their breakfast show about the Suva workshop and Alchemus Prime’s services in general. Check out the interview, and if you’re interested in being a more empowered communicator, contact me.