4 Steps to Change the World
This week Ronnie Tsunami, a force for change, interviewed me as one of 100 change leaders for the Change the World Summit. Yes, I was going for using the word “change” as many times as possible in a sentence, ha! We had a really fun and fluid conversation about what change means to me, and how I make change in the world.
We spoke about climate change, the vegan diet, my background as a behavioral scientist, channeling fourteen books, and my most recent initiative, Mornings with Marilyn. Everything I do these days is intuitive, which means my main tasks are meditating, eating well, exercising, and showing up. The rest happens through me.
To get here, I’ve spent many years learning, healing, and integrating what I’ve learned, or, as Ronnie likes to call it, connecting the dots. Ronnie describes Mornings with Marilyn as a show that helps my audience connect different aspects of their lives. For example, what do waterfalls have to do with your true self? Or, what do climate change and hot dogs have in common? What about the connections between dancing and relationships? And, how might rejection be a gift? Watch some episodes to find out!
As we concluded our chat, Ronnie summarized how he sees us humans changing the world. He talked about three steps: share, connect, and do. As I understood him, it’s important to spread awareness and inform others about what you know. Next, connect the dots by connecting people with each other, and with information. Lastly, take action. Doing the right thing is most important. As a behavioral scientist, I couldn’t agree more.
And, as we finished our conversation, I couldn’t help but add a first step to Ronnie’s three: be your true self. From my own experience, if I’m not being my full and true self, my impact on the world will not be the best it can be. Inner alignment brings outer clarity and manifestation. So, let’s look at my slightly different four steps to changing the world:
- Be your true self. Discover and relentlessly be who you are, regardless of your past trauma, other people’s demands on you or opinions of you, and any harmful habits. Understand that change starts with you. This is the hardest and most rewarding work you will ever do. It includes how self-aware you are, what you eat, what you focus on, and how you overcome what holds you back.
- Connect the dots. Understand the relationship between your being, the rest of nature, and how your behavior heals or harms the world. Look past your usual disciplines or ways of thinking, and learn how everything connects to everything else and what that means for how to live. We exist and work in networks of relationships.
- Take aligned action. Manifest a career and cultivate daily habits that uplift, heal, and motivate you and others. Be a positive force for change in the world through everything you do and everyone you interact with.
- Give, share, inspire. As you come into the power of your true self, your understanding of life and how to nurture it, share your wisdom and inspire others. Be a leader that is humble, generous, and charismatic.
At the core of these steps is love: self-love, love of nature, love for humanity, and love of change itself as a principle of life. We are meant to be dynamic, adaptive beings because that’s how nature works, and we are nature. As we begin to accept this truth, our perception of life changes, and then, so does our reality. Now, we can be limitless agents of change.
Let me know what you think about these steps for changing the world. Did Ronnie and I miss anything? Let us know in the comments!

Changing the world can include these four steps, all grounded in love. Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash.