4 Tips for Connecting the (Coronavirus) Dots
As the world tries to catch its balance after COVID-19 has pulled the carpet out from under a dysfunctional humanity, there’s much to learn and discern together. Before this, we were freaking out about the Australian bushfires, and before that, the unprecedented Californian fires. If it feels like chaos everywhere, perhaps that’s because we’ve created this reality at some level and now we need to create a different one and rise to a new level of consciousness.
The novel coronavirus arrives to remind us how inevitably vulnerable and connected we are, and how our daily behaviors can escalate or slow down the pandemic. It shows us that our very strength lies in our vulnerability and connectedness: what is connected is also resilient. This is the time to connect the dots that Nature, and life itself, are showing us, as I have mentioned before in a piece I wrote for The Biomimicry Institute. Here’s another interpretation for this pandemic, and its urgent message:
- Connect: Let’s take our lockdown or shutdown or social distancing time to slow down and connect more deeply with ourselves using whichever contemplative practices we use (I practice Heartfulness, a powerful system of meditation and inner cleaning). In this inward journey, let’s become present with the outward ramifications of business and life as usual. Let’s understand our connection to each other and to all life in a way that inspires us to act differently, and to break out of the lifestyle trap.
- Create: In our quiet time, let’s create new pathways for connecting with life in regenerative and nurturing ways. Let’s develop means for recovery and resilience but also abundance and profound joy. This is a time of learning, healing, and creativity so we can nurture systems that take us into a healthier future, while also honoring our purpose as creative individuals and as a collective force for good.
- Transform: Let’s find the root causes of our discontent – the destruction of personal and planetary wellness – and resolve to step away from the rat race and self-harm, after this pandemic is over. Let’s change what we do daily and how we do it, and in doing so, change not only our own destiny, but that of all life, including future life. It’s time to put our wellbeing first, as people, as life forms, and as a planet.
- Sustain: Nature, where life affirms life, is our best mentor, guide, and example. As we look for efficient and abundant ways to keep our immune systems strong, we may notice the relative superiority of plant-based foods and herbal medicines, and observe how our inner worlds feel when we ingest vibrant life-giving foods instead of trauma, fear, horror, and death. What sustains our positive energy, focus, productivity, and mood? Let’s put that into our bodies to fuel our minds. Let’s assimilate purity.
Ultimately, let’s connect the dots that this virus is elucidating and see if we can come out the other side of this challenge with new ideas instead of repeated mistakes. Enough destruction. It’s time for life to affirm life. We can do that when we act as we are by Nature: one.