5 Lessons About Spirituality and Service: Sri Madhusudhan Sai
On the 27th of April 2024, we were invited by Mr. Kamlesh Tappoo to a motivational talk session, hosted by Dr. Krupali Tappoo of the Sai Prema Foundation Fiji. We were thrilled to participate in what we anticipated would be a very inspirational session.
Sri Madhusudhan Sai is not only a renowned global sadguru and entrepreneur but a very spiritual as well as practical person. His philosophies are so enlightening and his life principles are so profoundly simple that they are guiding communities and societies around the world to change for the better.
He said he was inspired by teachings of Sai Baba. He learned the ideals of love and service as exemplified by Sai Baba, who said that the basic things in life (education, food and health care) should not be bought or sold.
Sri Madhusudhan Sai acknowledges that this is not easy, as mainstream corporate health care professionals need to be trained to prioritize care over profit but he believes that it is possible to provide these services free by devising a plan and executing it. He has inspired people around the world to get together to make these services free. Check out his webpage for more.
In a session that was over an hour long, we captured a number of his philosophies and principles that we identify with and feel compelled to share here.
Some of his definitions and philosophies that he shared are:
1. “Sadguru” means someone who teaches the truth and switches on the light inside you to your own wisdom hence removing obfuscation.
2. Spirituality is defined as selfless service with love, kindness and compassion. It is not a religious path where you follow certain traditions. Religion is like a school with a structure, where there are rules, uniforms, teachers and a headmaster but spirituality is the knowledge or education that we receive.
3. If spirituality (selfless love) can transcend religion (particular traditions and rules), there would be no conflict over which religion is better because selfless love would transform our world and heal it.
4. We are all interconnected deep down as a whole. We are one world and one family. Family does not charge money for taking care of another family member. The very first thing we do (especially mothers) is to take care of our baby. Parents never charge money for taking care of their children.
5. Providing free services stimulates gratitude in people. Gratitude is a wonderful virtue to have. It improves the moral fabric of society.
We felt the truth in these teachings, and were impressed by the work Sri Madhusudan Sai has accomplished in his grounded and humble manner. Learn more about gender equality in our next post about this event, and let us know what you think about spirituality and service.