5 Ways to Attract Soul Collaborators
In September I was interviewed by the wonderful video visibility coach, Sri Mahabir. In that interview, I spoke about my work, especially coaching, and how I came to write 32 books – the latest one is going to be my 16th poetry volume, and it launches on October 15 – stay tuned. I also laid out all my free services on social media: Mornings with Marilyn, Beyond Medicine, and Dr. An – the cantankerous trauma doctor. You can check out the interview on LinkedIn or Facebook.
I shared how I approach work, through the integrity of never asking clients to do anything that I haven’t tried, done, and benefited from. I outlined the types of books I’ve written, and shared how I become inspired by nature and through meditation. I read a poem about being limitless, from my forthcoming poetry book, Life’s Changing Waves. The interview was a beautiful experience, and I met some amazing people through the live interaction – for which I am grateful.
But what is more interesting is how I met Sri, and how we resonate.
A few months ago, at the urging of a colleague, I joined TikTok. My first impression was: “This is a place that promotes short attention spans.” I persisted, and began making short videos – I surprised myself by conveying meaningful messages in anywhere from 15 seconds to one minute!
Somehow, no thanks to the algorithm, Sri and I found each other. I noticed how warm, genuine, friendly, and fun she is. I immediately began following her and commenting on her posts. She did the same for me.
One day, she posted about her medical results, and she sounded a bit worried. So, I reached out and mentioned I’ve done several cookbooks, and she might benefit from some of the recipes to improve her nutrition markers. She purchased my first cookbook, Food of Love, and gave me encouraging feedback about it.
Some weeks later, Sri invited me to do a pop up live with her on LinkedIn. Of course, I said yes! We did a prep call a few days before and got to know one another better. It made both of us realize how attuned we are to the same wavelength…and that is a wonderfully affirming feeling.
So, in this post I want to give a shout out to Sri for being a wonderful person, and coach. If you need any assistance with overcoming barriers to making videos for your business, reach out to her on LinkedIn or TikTok.
And, here are some tips that we’ve been reminded of through our budding friendship and professional acquaintance, that should help in attracting collaborators and colleagues who are genuine and wonderful:
- Be Yourself: unflinchingly, unapologetically be yourself as a human being and entrepreneur. This will ensure the duplicitous folks fall away and you attract more people who, like you, are true to themselves. I find Sri to be real, and I love that about her.
- Recognize the Value of Hardships: difficult times test us, and they allow us to really see what we’re made of – all that character building comes in handy when we navigate onto bigger and brighter things. It helps to know who you are in the tough times, so you can celebrate that strength when times improve. Also, you’ll be wise to notice who stuck it out with you during your hardest days. This is something Sri and I agree on, as we’ve both been through hard times.
- Stay Optimistic: cultivate a practice of gratitude so you’re always inviting in abundance and like-minded, and more importantly, like-hearted people into your life. Sri is a wonderfully supportive person, and I encourage people everyday, personally and professionally; we both find the rewards are far more important than any material thing we could possess.
- Don’t Hold Back: my company, Alchemus Prime, is a place where I bring all my values, skills, and services into play, integrating across bodies of knowledge to offer the best of who I am. Be fully who you are, and don’t be afraid to let it shine! It is your truth that attracts those who are being true to themselves.
- Be Patient and Resolute: Being an entrepreneur, and a solopreneur, like Sri and I, is not easy by any means. Stick with what you know your purpose is, and don’t let anything stand in your way. Anything worthwhile takes time, so invest that time into your learning, growth, and evolution. You won’t regret it.
If you liked this post, follow me for more, and check out Sri – she will get you rolling on video in no time!