5 Ways to Fight Depression
I recently made a video for Mornings with Marilyn about depression. In it, I asked my audience to do the right thing when they feel down and depressed. After all, it’s easy to get depressed right now, with all the chaos we are facing: the pandemic, layoffs, racism, murder, you name it. The video was well received, so I thought I’d follow up with this blog.
Upon reflection, I realized that many efforts around me, including mine, revolve around a few basic needs we must meet if we are to stay centered through all the changes that are taking place:
- Social Connection: We must stay connected with each other in healthy ways, whether that means a phone or video call, a socially distanced walk or hike, cooking or making music together, or something else you enjoy. Today is also Juneteenth, so it might make sense to reach out and celebrate this positive occasion with friends. You can also join webinars for causes you care about or want to learn more about, like intersectional justice and stress-reduction through meditation.
- Exercise: Being active helps our mood and helps us stay fit too. But you need not become a fitness freak. Even gentle options like walking in Nature and practicing yoga have huge benefits for body and mind. It’s also International Day of Yoga and you can register for some amazing yoga events this weekend!
- Healthy Eating: Food is critical to our mood and health. Choosing fresh, organic fruits and veggies, as well as whole grains, nuts, and legumes instead of fried, refined foods and animal products help us stay mentally healthy and physically prime. It also helps us avoid lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
- Quality Rest: Deep sleep is essential for the body to replenish itself and the mind to rest. Meditation helps clear the mind of worries and fears, allowing us to feel refreshed and cope with all the uncertainties and bad news out there.
- Professional Help: There’s no shame in asking for help from a counselor, therapist or coach. Depression is like any other illness, and we should reach out for the right tools to help us get back on track.
So, evaluate your self-care needs and team up with family and friends to make sure you are well in body and mind. We will get through this together.