5 Ways to know it’s Your Calling

Recently, on my show, Mornings with Marilyn, I started speaking about purpose and calling. The topic emerged through my interactions with Sidhant Bali Maharaj – the Label, an emerging force in the fashion industry. I am involved because the instigator of this beautiful and passionate endeavor is my little brother, Sid. Sid is already an award-winning fashion designer, but now it feels he is moving to the next level: complete prolific genius.
To honor his inspirations and visions, Dr. Margaret and I surrendered ourselves as canvases for his styling, hair, makeup, and photography talent. The results speak for themselves in terms of how well he was able to capture who we are – you can get a glimpse in the pictures we’ve shared.
In the course of 4 hours, he turned both of us into models, and took well over 600 photos, with 3 outfit changes for each of us. When we looked at the pictures, we were simply amazed at the prolific talent Sid brings to this field.
It got me thinking that when we are inspired to fulfill our calling – what we were born to do – it’s important to show up and be present so we can birth what wants to be born. So, these are five of my tips for how to know when you’re being called to your life’s purpose:
- Inspirations will flow – there will be intense, detailed insights and inspirations that come to you. It will be as if there’s a river of ideas flowing through you, and your intuition will know that it’s meant for you to receive. This will keep happening.
- Resisting it will feel bad – if you try to distract yourself from these inspirations, or ignore them, it will feel like you’re blocked or stuck. You may become frustrated, and realize you might be afraid of the changes these inspirations may bring. Nevertheless, eventually you will realize that surrender feels so much better than resistance.
- It won’t feel like work – once you open up to your calling, though you may do a lot to bring your ideas to fruition, it won’t feel like you’re working. It will be nothing like the 9 to 5. It will be at a different level of elevated expression and enjoyment.
- It will feel like joyful play – you will be in a space of surrender and flow, where joy, abundance, and creativity abound. You will enter a flow state more and more as you bring this work into being. It will feel, and it will be, magnificent, because you will allow this work to touch others, bringing joy, inspiration, creativity, and service.
- You will never go back – once your tasks become directly connected to your soul’s calling, you will never go back to the dreary world of working just for the sake of material needs or to pay the bills. You will have elevated yourself to a higher vibration, at which your work directly benefits you and the world. There’s no turning back from that!
Share with me your own insights if you’ve found your calling, or tips about where you are in the process.