50 Inspiring Examples of Wellness
Recently, Fiji went through a double crisis with Tropical Cyclone Harold hitting us in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns. Fortunately, we survived both and now have 12 recoveries out of 18 cases, with no deaths. Cause for celebration!
During the ongoing restrictions, we switched into book writing mode and produced our third culinary collaboration, and our fourth cookbook from Alchemus Prime, which just turned 5 – another celebration. So, here you go: 50 recipes from our hearts straight to your kitchen, our new book, Practice of Love: Recipes for Wellness.
This time of social distancing and lockdown is a great opportunity to look at our lifestyles. One of the most important aspects of lifestyle is eating healthy foods. This includes using fresh local produce especially fruits and vegetables and cutting down on fast food, and processed and packaged foods, (which are usually high in fat, salt, sugar and low in fiber). Also taking the time to practice self-love and self-care, such as relaxation, exercise, reflection, and quality time with family. To support these undertakings – the Practice of Love is a very good start for healthy, plant-based eating and learning a new skill if you are not a cook already.
In our tradition of celebrating optimal wellness for our bodies, our recipes celebrate the gifts of Nature and are low oil and salt, have no refined sugar, use organic and local ingredients whenever available, and are plant-based and gluten-free. We emphasize experimentation, flavor and fun, creating concoctions that are brand new and from generations of practice.
Like its predecessors, this book is a wonderful wellness partner, inviting you to be in creative harmony with Nature. It’s also our evidence to you that wellness tastes and feels amazing. Order your copy today.