5 Reasons Teams Need Collective Care

After my work to support the inaugural team of Women’s Fund Fiji with their localization and team dynamics, I began working with another small team. Two years of working with this second team of highly productive individuals as a team dynamics and organizational strengthening consultant, and recently drafting their collective care policy, I was told something by management that made my heart sing.

They wanted to incorporate my individual coaching service into their performance evaluations to ensure the team was meeting stated self-care and boundary setting goals.

Music to my ears!

I bring a behavioral approach, identifying and addressing barriers, and supporting team members to become more empowered and balanced. It’s so critical to make self-care and collective care a seamless part of organizational culture, and this includes coaching. Here’s why:

  1. Be your whole self. You don’t have to compartmentalize so much and bottle up your stress. There’s a safe space to voice what’s going on and get help as you need it.
  2. Recognize self-care is directly related to productivity. As self-care becomes part of the team culture, and collective care and wellbeing are nurtured, teams notice they give their best, and rest when they are tired. This prevents burnout and allows for optimal productivity.
  3. Get support without stigma. Coaching is available to guide you through difficult patches, and to help you develop skills like self-compassion and reflection. Coaching can also help you set strong and authentic boundaries, communicating them mindfully.
  4. Challenge the patriarchy. Patriarchal systems encourage us to work ourselves to the bone, bottle up stress, and compete with others. Collective care is a feminist approach, encouraging us to work and rest, support and cooperate with each other, and nurture community.
  5. Address trauma patterns. Coaching can identify and help manage trauma patterns that may underlie triggers, commuication styles, insecurities, anger, and a host of other issues.

Of course, there are other benefits too – like a more resilient and communicative team. What are some benefits you’ve experienced at your workplace?

Coaching as part of collective care for teams is necessary to build resilient teams. Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash