7 Tips for Mindful Self-Care in Chaotic Times
This week I was a guest speaker for a webinar held by UN Women USA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, where I used to serve as Chief of Staff and Coach. My topic was Mindful Self-Care in Chaotic Times. The webinar was attended by board members and community members from around the world. I offered a guided meditation to release tension and invite rejuvenation, spoke on self-love as a foundation for self-care, and ended with a mindful breathing exercise.
There was a rich discussion with attendees on a number of issues due to the chaos caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing restrictions. Some of the topics included working from home, inability to socialize or separate workplace from home environment and its demands, and becoming a new mother under difficult social conditions. There was a lot of sharing of experiences amongst the members.
I grounded the conversation with core tactics for how to practice mindfulness and effective self-care in these situations.
Our 7 takeaways were:
- Love yourself and get to know yourself; this will form the most sustainable foundation for your self-care.
- Self-care isn’t just going to the gym or eating healthy. It includes emotional, spiritual, and mental self-care too.
- Don’t judge yourself or others as you practice self-care, and stand up to traditional and potentially harmful labels and judgments.
- Address feelings of guilt as you engage in self-care, and remember that you cannot give your best to anyone unless you are feeling your best.
- Practice mindfulness and meditation so you can build the muscles of calmness, self-awareness and self-compassion.
- Ask for help when you need it – there is no shame in reaching out for help from friends, family members therapists, and coaches.
- Set strong boundaries, and verbalize them with kindness, firmness, and clarity so you can manage your life optimally.
What are some tactics you use for mindful self-care?