7 Ways to Celebrate Integrity: Alchemus Prime
Today, April 29, we celebrate 7 years of Alchemus Prime, my company. It’s been a long road, paved with failures, learnings, and celebrations. As we mark this joyous occasion, we take a moment to reflect on the journey that led us here. There are 7 distinct steps that we took, and as we look back, we notice each is worth celebrating.
- Walking away from patriarchy: Although I received valuable mentorship and help in starting this company, and worked with some highly qualified people , it came with heavy doses of toxic patriarchy from both men and women: controlling, deceptive, and manipulative energy. The moment I decided, almost exactly 5 years ago, to say no to it, my life changed completely. I celebrate making this decision. I was afraid of how I would do on my own, but it has been a rewarding journey even in the midst of uncertainty and sheer chaos.
- Becoming my own authority: I was scared to lead on my own, and unsure of whether I would succeed, but I pushed on anyway. I decided to take control of my life. I trusted myself even as I felt the fear of sailing into unchartered territories. Over time, I discovered my own leadership style, and began to work on my own terms. Tasting true freedom and creative expression, I realized I’d never been this happy before.
- Constantly trusting, learning, and integrating: Being my own authority doesn’t mean knowing it all. It means being accountable to myself, learning at every step, and incorporating that learning into my ways of working. I continue to work in ways that integrate bodies of knowledge to create solutions that benefit people and planet, through the Alchemus Prime Diamond Model. As I began to trust myself, I drew trusted collaborators and advisors to me, and began to create and deploy systems of work that provided transformative value tailored to clients’ needs. These services include coaching, facilitation, research, speaking, teaching, and writing.
- Practicing Self-Care and Balance: Pausing and taking breaks, I began to consciously expand my self-care regimen, adding multiple meditation techniques, daily journaling, brain balancing exercises, sound therapy, healthier food, dancing, yoga and weight training to keep my mind, body, and heart in optimal condition.
- Expanding range of services and reach: Over time, as I grew more resilient and confident, I began expanding our reach, deploying a range of free services like Mornings with Marilyn (2018), which has recently gone public, Beyond Medicine with Dr. Margaret Cornelius (2019), and Dr. An (2019), to help raise awareness on topics like mindfulness, lifestyle medicine and holistic wellness, and trauma respectively. In 2020, we expanded to create a sister company to the one in California, registered in Fiji.
- Healing inner wounds: Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve been working on myself to heal deep wounds from childhood abuse. That work continues daily. The more I heal, the more I can help others who are ready and ask for help, for example through our self-love course. As I heal, I also acknowledge that I too, was probably toxic once, and I am so glad to be growing into what I hope is a wiser and more compassionate person with strong boundaries and self-worth. I no longer allow abuse into my life. Period.
- Embodying the feminine way: One of my greatest learnings, looking back and moving forward, has been the importance of shedding patriarchy. I still find it all around me, and work daily to stand up and say no to it. Our 30th book is one example of this effort. I continue to explore and embody feminine traits: creativity, empathy, flow, flexibility, and the nurturing of life.
As we move forward, we are mindful that there is much work still to be done, and that the healing of our outer world (climate, forests, oceans, animals, biodiversity, water, and so much more) depends inherently on the healing of our inner world. It is that profound and sacred connection to Nature, and our connections with ourselves, that heal us best. Alchemus Prime includes ways of thinking and working that help people and planet flourish.
Share with us how you have overcome hardships to thrive, and where you are in the journey. Let’s celebrate our milestones together.