8 Benefits of Positive Mindsets and Self-Talk
Most of the time we are not aware of our own mindsets and self-talk. I guess we get so used to it that after some time it is accepted as ‘normal’. However, when transitions or major changes take place, how we think and talk to ourselves become really important. In our Beyond Medicine: Wellness in Transition Series we introduced this topic recently. I personally feel that it warrants more discussion as it does impact how we handle transitions and life in general.
Mindsets can be negative or positive, fixed or growth-oriented, allowing us to learn and progress or stay stagnant. Self-talk can be critical and berating, or encouraging and optimistic. It is absolutely important to take note of our mindsets and self-talk, especially when we feel disheartened, sad or stagnant in life or work.
Our mindsets and self-talk determine the outcomes we achieve in life. If we have a limiting belief or closed mindset that there is something we just cannot do, then of course we will not succeed even when we try it. Our self-talk will tell us ‘I told you so!’, ‘You are hopeless’, ‘Just stick to what you can do and don’t act smart’, or ‘Stop wasting time’. So, mindsets and self-talk are related; mindsets generate self-talk.
However, if we have a mindset that says ‘You can do anything you want’ or ‘keep trying!’ then we will make attempts and venture out of our comfort zones. Even if a goal is not achieved on the first attempt – we will try and try again until we get it right. The growth mindset will generate positive self-talk: ‘You can do it’, ‘Just look it up on Google or ask your friend who is already doing this’, ‘Try doing it this way’, ‘Use this method or tool’ or ‘Sleep on it and it’ll become clear by tomorrow’.
Having a positive mindset and self-talk brings many advantages, such as:
- Focusing on effort, not just achievement,
- The ability to adjust and learn from mistakes,
- Reducing stress especially during transitions,
- Becoming more resilient to challenges and changes,
- Training our brain to increase our confidence level,
- Being positive in tough situations and addressing them head on,
- Getting back up after setbacks, and
- Enjoying a range of health benefits, including a longer life, healthier heart, and reduced stress.
Positivity allows us to look forward to challenges in life, feel more motivated and recognize our purpose in life. It helps us, not only to venture out from our comfort zone into new adventures and challenges, but to enjoy the process as well.
The obvious question is – can mindsets and self-talk be changed? The answer is a resounding YES. Many times we can do this ourselves by being mindful, meditating and practicing positive affirmations. Sometimes we need intervention by a close friend, counselor or coach to see how we are damaging ourselves and others with negativity, and we need to accept professional help to lead us through the process of change. There is nothing wrong with this either as these mindsets and self-talk habits have developed over a period of time and are embedded into our subconscious mind. More on how negative mindsets develop, next week.
Positive mindsets and self-talks are even more important in personal and professional transitions as there are lots of changes happening: goals might be shifting, our routine self-care is disrupted, typical healthy meals may be delayed or compromised, we become emotionally labile, and our stress level invariably increases. To manage transitions peacefully and successfully, we need to acknowledge our mindsets and self–talk and ensure that both are positive. Take help from trusted people as needed to achieve a smooth journey to the new norm.
Share with us your experience with your mindset and self–talk and how you manage to stay positive and enjoy your transitions and challenges.