8 Ways to Flourish Professionally as an Entrepreneur
On April 29, Alchemus Prime turned 8 years old. As we continue to do exactly what we want to do and nothing we don’t, we want to reflect and celebrate this milestone. It has not been an easy journey as an entrepreneur. Indeed, my trauma has gotten in the way of my career many times. Ultimately, as I heal, I see that Alchemus Prime is spreading its wings too.
What does it take to succeed as an entrepreneur? Here, I list 8 tips that I can only reflect on in hindsight, because when I was in the situation, it was hard to discern. See if any of these resonate for you:
- Know and heal yourself: Take the time and do the inner work necessary so that your authentic self, not your trauma, is running your company. Humble yourself and get help – it will be one of the best decisions of your life!
- Stand by your ethics: Never, ever compromise on doing the right thing, and step away from collaborators or partners who want to lead you into unethical forms of business, as soon as you find out. This is a form of boundary setting I learned the hard way.
- Ask for what you’re worth: This is a non-trivial exercise, because it’s easy to fall into self-doubt. Assess your qualifications and capabilities, assess the market, and charge accordingly.
- Detach from naysayers: There are many people in our lives who have never tried to do what we are doing. They will inevitably say to us: “Why are you doing this? Why not get a job, or do that other thing? What you’re doing makes no sense!” Keep going…trust in what you’re birthing. Know what you know. Those who haven’t built a ship to sail can only give misguided ship building and sailing advice.
- Become your best champion: Improve your self-talk and use affirmations to stay positive through the hard times. No one really knows what it takes to be you and do what you do, so trust yourself and encourage yourself.
- Don’t be afraid to flex all your muscles: We need not stay in well-defined boxes. We can be what we fully are. I am someone who coaches, facilitates, researches, invents recipes, draws, writes, and much more. I work across a range of domains including climate change, leadership, and wellness, supporting leaders with empowered communication, change management, team dynamics, trauma healing and more. A wise mentor has recently told me: let’s not be apologetic for doing many things.
- Focus on your vibration: Our vibration depends on our self-love and self-care practices: trauma healing, meditation, exercise, plant-based foods, and positive thoughts and wonderful people. Keep your energy strong and you will draw to you all that you are ready to manifest. All our work is coming to us like this now – it arrives and it’s wonderfully suited to what we want and how we work.
- Be present: Opportunities exist in the now, so be present wherever you are, and allow yourself to surrender to the flow of life. Nature has a plan, and it is divine. Once we arrive in each moment ready, everything is possible.
What are some of your reflections on how to flourish? Share them with us!