9 Ways to HEAL: Wellness Begins in the Mind
I’ve been on a roll with documentaries. First, it was The Game Changers, and then it was HEAL, based on a recommendation by yoga teacher Ilana Burness, founder of Ilana’s Heart Yoga. HEAL is about how to get well, not just from symptoms, but completely well.
The documentary is supremely affirming of my work, and I was very excited to see the many alternative practitioners discussing their techniques and results. This included an Emotional Freedom Technique and Reiki Practitioner, a sound healing person, and several more. I practice Reiki, offer guided meditation, use mindfulness techniques, design affirmations, infuse crystals, and apply a host of other behavioral science-based and alternative healing techniques. My role as a catalyst is to help clients uproot their trauma, and embrace a life of purpose and service grounded in self-love.
Some of the highlights of this documentary were striking when compared to what people think is conventional knowledge: you get sick, go to a doctor, get medicine, and feel less sick. In the alternative healing paradigm, you feel sick, go inside and look at the root cause of the illness, seek guidance to release the root cause (likely trauma or suppressed emotion), and then recover completely.
One example in this documentary was of a woman who completely healed from her tumors, and her oncologist said that they must have been mistaken in their scans. They could not believe her cancer was gone.
Here’s a quick recap of what one scientist found to be common among all the people she studied, in terms of what works to really heal us. Watch the film for detailed insight on what exactly you can do in each of these categories:
- Change your diet radically
- Take charge of your own health
- Develop and follow your intuition
- Use the right herbs and supplements for your body
- Release suppressed emotions
- Focus on and amplify positive emotions
- Embrace social support
- Deepen your spiritual connection
- Develop a strong will to live
Notice only two of these tactics have to do with taking any physical items – food and herbs. The rest have to do with our minds. The biggest message of this documentary is that the mind creates our reality and can therefore change it. In short, we can heal ourselves if we can control and direct our thoughts. Watch the film to understand how and why you should start today and change your life radically towards optimal wellness!
If you’d like to transmute yourself from sickness to flourishing, drop me a note and let’s begin.

Alternative healing techniques allow us to control our minds and heal our bodies, says the documentary HEAL. Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash.