Alchemus Prime: 8 Highlights in 2020
It’s been an unpredictable year, to say the least. For our company, Alchemus Prime, it turned into a very productive and meaningful period. It started off with a trip to India to give a talk on how to balance material and spiritual life, and then we went into lockdown. I remained in Fiji, foregoing my planned return to the San Francisco Bay Area in March. Fortunately, one of our biggest achievements this year, starting a sister company in Fiji, provided a wonderful avenue for helping more people and launching wellness and leadership initiatives.
Aside from our expansion into a multinational company, we experienced several other highlights in 2020, COVID-19 notwithstanding:
- Coaching more directors, CEOs, and other leaders through our Lasting Transformation program.
- Consulting with prominent local and international women’s organizations, and international development and health agencies.
- Writing or co-authoring 8 books, 6 of which were published this year, and 2 are being prepared for launch in the first quarter of 2021. The 6 books published this year include our 4th plant-based gluten-free recipe book and a holiday desserts recipe book, three volumes of poetry and a guide on ethics.
- Launching our Beyond Medicine series on social media, which addresses topics like behavior change, Lifestyle Demons (lifestyle diseases), Lifestyle Angels (wellness habits), Lifestyle Devils (harmful habits), and Holiday Hints (wellness habits for the holiday season).
- Speaking on various platforms, including All India Radio and Vancouver’s Bula Masti Radio.
- Facilitating wellness, leadership, communication and trauma workshops online and in person.
- Mentoring youth artists through interactive sessions on wellness, who went on to create Fiji’s first healthy food and lifestyle mural (thanks Tasty Kitchen Collective and the U.S. Embassy for that opportunity).
- Volunteering in various capacities, including with UN Women, Heartfulness, and on projects with incarcerated people – more on this next week!
A beautiful lesson for 2020 for Alchemus Prime has been to bloom where you find yourself planted. In my case, that is Fiji for the foreseeable future, and I am blessed to be with my family. What are your highlights for 2020?