Alchemus Prime: Year in Review
Last December we produced a Year In Review document for our advisory board, and based on their feedback, I’m summarizing our progress to date here.
We started Alchemus Prime in April 2015. Our website was created in late March, went into beta in May, and was completed in August. Our logo was created in late March; our trademark application was approved by the United States Patents and Trademarks Office in November, and published in the Trademark Official Gazette in December. We are still in love with our logo, which is a good sign, ha!
In 2015 we ran four career manifestation retreats in the fields of veganism and climate change; energy-related behavior change; environmental leadership; and sustainable technologies. We also conducted two retreats for organizational teams wanting to enhance teamwork and efficiency. We began ongoing consulting projects and networked nationally and internationally.
This blog saw some prolific action, with 175 posts. The most viewed blog post was my perspective on sacredness as biomimicry. Other popular posts included my learning stint in jail, biomimicry for social innovation, and the science of vulnerability.
A guest blog post was accepted by Asking Nature, the official blog for Biomimicry 3.8; the same piece was requested for publication in GreenBiz magazine – we’re excited about that! One popularization was published in Ozy magazine in October endorsing our science-based model – yay!
We published our first book, Food of Love, and conducted research in the health arena, with one paper accepted for publication, and one in progress. We explored strategic alliances in various complementary fields, and are solidifying our first one with a partner in sustainable technologies, with the next one in the behavior-energy arena. Our objective through these strategic alliances is to reduce greenhouse gases and improve wellness simultaneously and significantly using bleeding edge technologies and behavioral science.
Based on valuable feedback from our advisory board, we visualized the inter-relatedness of our service offerings (see below) to better communicate what we do.
The past several months have been a wonderful start for us, and 2016 looks even more promising. One of our upcoming events is our book signing on February 12. We are also continuing with retreats, consulting, and strategic alliances to fulfill our mission: “to augment the growth of leaders using our integrated and novel science-based tools, demonstrating that it is good business to sustain nature.”
Onward, for win-win solutions that benefit you, me, our communities, and Ma Earth.