4 Ways to Beat Novel Coronavirus with Love
Dr. Margaret and I have been doing our Beyond Medicine: The Importance of Behavior change video series diligently on a weekly basis. One of the meta learnings that we shared in our latest video was about the ultimate motivator: love. Whether it’s love for your neighbor, your family, the people on the front lines, or for life itself, this is the best time to invoke love to do the right thing.
The frustration comes when we rely on the mind…if we lead with the heart, we would do the right thing easily: “I need to stay away from you to protect you from possible infection? I love you, so I’ll do whatever it takes. Of course!”
We offer a humble reframe of current guidelines with an infusion of love. Try them on for size:
- Stay home: Realize that right now, staying home is an act of love. It’s time to go deep inside yourself, find and remove barriers to loving yourself, so you can be content and even joyful with the current circumstances. Focus on finding meaningful and sustained ways to connect with those you live with, interspersed with quality alone time. Find what you love doing in Nature and spend more time appreciating the outdoors safely, perhaps through gardening, and move your body through forms of exercise you love. Use this time to declutter, cook, bake, communicate deeply, heal and get back to balance.
- Practice social distancing: Show your love by keeping your physical distance. If you love those around you, including your family and those at the grocery store or wherever you go, give them space. Until it’s safe, this is the best way to show love. This means we are free to share our love and to connect meaningfully through virtual means: don’t hold back on the video calls. This is the time to write long letters filled with everything you want to say. Connect by all means but physical.
- Don’t touch your face: Honor the vulnerability of your eyes, nose, and mouth as potential entry points for the virus and leave them alone. Wash your face with soap and water immediately if you do inadvertently touch your face with dirty hands. Love your face enough to let it be pristine.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water: When you’re washing your hands, send appreciation to them, and wash them with loving vigor, knowing you are loving yourself and others enough to take this essential precaution. Infuse your hand-washing ritual with love. Use organic soap that won’t hurt your skin, only remove the virus. Remind your loved ones to do the same. Oh, and sing happy birthday twice to make sure it’s 20 seconds.
The novel coronavirus provides us a priceless opportunity to realize what is most important in our lives: loving relationships with ourselves and others. We are being asked to practice love from a physical distance, with pure compassion, kindness, and love. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Love is the greatest force in this world. It will prevail, and we will grow from this. We already are growing in connection, as we feel connected with every medical worker, grocery cashier, and other essential services worker. Regardless of the fact that we don’t know them, we are sending them love. Through love, together, we can overcome this.