How Feminine Qualities can Inspire Badass Leadership
For too long, feminine qualities have been labeled weak, soft, and negative. “You cry like a girl” or “Don’t be a wuss, stop crying” are common phrases used to convince men to suppress their sensitivities, emotions and intuitions. The result of bottling up of emotions leads to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, heart attacks, and cancer.
For International Women’s Day this year, I was invited by the University of Fiji to give a talk. I chose to speak on feminine qualities and the need to balance them with masculine qualities to be authentic and whole, no matter your gender identity: male, female, or non-binary.
In essence, here’s what you need to know:
- Feminine qualities include flow, nurturing, vulnerability, trust, receptivity, creativity, intuition, and gentleness, authenticity, and setting boundaries.
- Masculine qualities include logic, discipline, protectiveness, accountability, integrity, stability, setting boundaries, and focus.
- When these energies are imbalanced (through abuse and resulting trauma), you end up with people who are controlling, belittling, aggressive, abusive, avoidant, co-dependent, manipulative, or exhibiting victim behavior.
In order to lead well, you must first be authentic, as I’ve said before, and detailed in our latest book release. Once we are authentic, which includes balancing our inner feminine and masculine energies, we become badass. By this, I mean we become prolifically creative, humbly confident, and unstoppable in our service to the planet, while harmonizing our spiritual, emotional, financial, professional, social and personal lives, which is the topic of another recent talk I gave at the Infinite Youth Africa Summit.
The ways to balance ourselves are to spend time in meditation, journaling, reflection, and other contemplative and self-development activities, and to get help through coaching, counseling or therapy.
Share with us where you are on the journey of balancing your inner feminine and masculine qualities, and how that’s going for you: