Mornings with Marilyn: Channeling Inspiration
One morning, May 23, I did a Facebook live video. It was my first. It was about one and a half minutes long, and was about freedom and entrapment. Since that day, I’ve done a video every morning. They range in length from 2 to 7 minutes and in theme from authentic leadership to self-love and romance, which are very deeply related by the way. Based on my Living and Leading Authentically Framework, these videos offer inspiration and positivity, with the goal of helping viewers find their own ways of flourishing.
As I return to public speaking after some years away from it, I realize my style has changed completely. Previously I spoke on research topics, using data and jargon in academic settings. Now I speak in non-technical terms and aim to keep my message as simple as possible. My goal is to reach many people and share my own flourishing, which comes from a set of practices that keep me happy and in a state of creative flow from day to day.
What’s most interesting about it for me is that it’s all channeled, like my books. I wake up, the idea arrives, and I do the video. There is no rehearsal. I’ve found that being out in nature enhances the videos, bringing a more soothing energy.
Recently a new colleague and friend, Pattie Vargas, a super badass coach and speaker, gave me the idea to call these videos “Mornings with Marilyn” and to create a community around it. So I did.
I’ve received some very humbling and wonderful feedback from my viewers, which is encouraging. Some snippets:
“I love listening to you”
“You are an awesome Change Leader!”
“Love your delivery”
“You have such amazing messages coming through. I am loving these videos hun”
“What a great video Marilyn! I just checked in and I loved it. Perception is 360 degrees, but we see only a small slice. I loved the metaphor of the glasses as the many layers of obstructions that we use to narrow our perception. The mind is the instrument we use to create those obstructions, but also the means of removing them until we reach no-mind and reside in consciousness only. Great post!!!!”
“I love your perspectives and appreciate you opening yourself up to all of us and sharing your gift.”
I hope you’ll check it out, and let me know what you think. Every morning is a good time to share hope and optimism.

Mornings with Marilyn is a new inspirational program with short live videos every morning. It’s always a good time for optimism and hope. Photo Credit: Ike Shin.