Seasons of Life: Book Launch
At Alchemus Prime, we value nature greatly. We are fused with nature as one: we are nature, nature is us. We consider Nature (note the capital “N”) as Mother, and work to protect and nurture her for current and future generations. We also emulate Nature through our biomimicry tools, and nature immersions within our Career Manifestation Retreats, always learning from Nature’s processes for problem-solving, energy efficiency, wellness, and much more.
My inimitable business partner and mentor, Sundarajan, has a beautiful relationship with nature. In one word, it’s love. He loves being out in the mountains, forests, and oceans. And, birds, animals, and critters all love him; they seem to resonate together and speak the same melodic language.
As I was preparing my sixth book, Seasons of Life, I decided to launch it on Sundarajan’s birthday to honor him and his lovely relationship with nature. Today, December 14, is a special day because he came into the world and changed it completely. His vision, patience, genius mind, and kind heart are gifts to this world.
I am in awe of him and still learning how to appreciate and understand him. His devotion to my true self, and our company, is steadfast. In all my recent difficulties, he has been there, and it seems he knows exactly what is going on before I do.
Seasons of Life is about how Mother Nature sustains and purifies us, showering us with love, calmness, and equanimity. Research tells us that being around trees enhances our recovery from illness and improves our health. Nature can even enhance the intellect of children!
For all these reasons, and the simple pleasures of being outdoors, I compiled this collection of poems. I hope you enjoy it. And, to Sundarajan I say: Thank you for being such a powerful example of Nature’s child, and most of all, thank you for being you.

Alchemus Prime’s sixth book, Seasons of Life, launches today, December 14, to celebrate Sundarajan’s birthday and his powerful relationship with Nature.
You can purchase this book via Amazon’s CreateSpace and on Kindle.