6 Practical Paths to Wellness
Recently, I was invited by Ms. Shammi Lochan to be a guest on the Fiji Broadcasting Commission’s program called Aaina (meaning Mirror) to discuss stress, lifestyle diseases and wellness. It was my privilege to meet my co-speaker, Ms. Vindu Maharaj, who is an author.
For the last few years, I have hesitated to talk about prevention of lifestyle diseases as I observed that people do not want to change their habits, attitudes and social norms. For example, they eat junk foods, mindlessly consume large amounts of fizzy or sugar-loaded ‘fruit’ drinks, work long hours without taking adequate breaks or take alcohol or smoke cigarettes to relieve stress. Attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle change for a while, when there’s a catastrophe, such as a work colleague collapsing and dying at work, young loved one experiencing a stroke or being diagnosed with cancer or dying of a viral infection like COVID. But then, after a few days or weeks of change, people tend to fall back into their unhealthy habits.
Research has shown that type 2 diabetes (which occurs mainly in adults) can be reversed on a plant-based diet. There are testimonies to that effect. So, the challenge is for people to take stock of their own habits and lifestyles to do something different. For more than 30 years, I have been advising people that when you have diabetes, you need to become your own doctor. Very few actually heeded this call.
So, it was refreshing to meet the other guest, Ms. Vindu Maharaj, who shared how she is actively reversing her type 2 diabetes. It thrilled me to learn that she questioned her health care provider as to how she can do this instead of taking an increasing number of pills as was suggested. She spoke about how she tackled each of the challenges that life threw at her when she was told that she had diabetes.
Ms. Vindu Maharaj took the reins of her health in her own hands and is well on her way to reversing diabetes. She inspires me.
Change is not easy but looking after our own health and wellness is far more important than remaining stuck in old habits, attitudes and certain social norms. Social norms dictate that you fit in. If your friends or family are eating junk – you do the same. However, if you do your own research, then you can do better for yourself and your loved ones.
What are some of the challenges that people with diabetes face? Stress, depression, feeling that they are sick now, or that life is beginning to end for them. The idea is to not let any condition or sickness define you. Find solutions and not give up. You have only one life – make it count!
Six ways to start taking care of your own lifestyle and wellbeing are:
- Deal with stress – find the root cause of it. Worrying about a sickness does not make it go away; in fact stress makes it worse. Learn to de-stress by listening to soothing music, going for a walk, spending time in nature, doing something fun, meditating or talking to trusted friend, coach or counselor.
- Eat nutritious foods. If you are eating junk foods and/or taking a lot of fizzy or sugar-loaded drinks, start substituting these with healthier alternatives. Eat more whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink more water instead of soft drinks or sugar-loaded fruit drinks. Relieve your stress with healthier habits, as discussed above, instead of taking alcohol and/or smoking cigarettes.
- Be active. Walk during the day and take regular breaks to move around if you have a sedentary job. Stand up and down if you cannot leave your desk or table at work. Fit your activity in your daily lifestyle if you have a busy schedule. Walking by far is the safest form of exercise.
- Sleep well. Exercising or being active helps us sleep better. Avoid too much social media or computer work before bed. Ensure there are no lights on in the bedroom when you go to bed. Meditate to help you relax before sleeping.
- Love yourself. Take note of your internal voice. Is it always criticizing you or does it support you? Change the dialog to make it positive. Tell yourself you can take these challenges and make these lifestyle changes for your own self. Take a course in self-love or find a coach to help you.
- Be happy. Stay in touch with people who encourage, support and motivate you towards your own health and wellness goals. By being happy and positive, you will encourage your loved ones to be happy as well.
These are but a few practical ways to start changing your lifestyle for your own health and wellness. Prioritize where you want to start. Take one habit at a time and change it for the better. Once you have achieved it then start on another. Make wellness your lifestyle – you will thank yourself for it!
Share with us your wellness practices and how you are able to control any of your lifestyle ailments. And, check out Ms. Maharaj ‘s testimony and our Aaina segment – it’s in Hindi with English subtitles.
This guest blog is by Dr. Margaret Cornelius, retired diabetes specialist and advisor to Alchemus Prime.