The Secret to Writing 20 Books in Under 5 Years
On July 4th, I launched my 19th and 20th books, both volumes of poetry about the human awakening we are now participating in and witnessing globally. My writing is channeled – it comes through inspirations that I receive while meditating, or right when I wake up in the morning.
Poetry has been coming through me like this since I was a child, but I wrote my first book in 2015. Prior to that, I had no idea I could write books. I knew I wanted to, but I didn’t think I had it in me.
I had guidance from a mentor who helped me remove my mental block and limiting belief, which was:
“Books are too complex and large to hold in my mind; I could never write a book.”
My first book was the cookbook, Food of Love, containing 39 recipes. I went from drafting to self-publishing in 7 days. It changed my perception and reality. I’ve never looked back. I’ve also written almost 400 blogs in 5 years and thousands of poems over the last couple of decades.
I’m currently co-authoring two books that will complete Alchemus Prime’s leadership series, and I have 11 more books outlined. The flow is endless, and my only limitation is time and my body’s need for rest between writing, coaching, facilitating, speaking, teaching, and experimenting with recipes.
My greatest learning, and the secret to how I can write like this, is trauma. Recognizing and removing trauma allows us to harness the creative potential of the true self, which is directly connected to divine guidance. When we are in a dream-like or meditative state, inspiration comes in a flash. Trauma blocks this state with repetitive and reactive patterns that keep us distracted and stuck – we can’t settle down enough to commune with divine guidance.
So, if you want to unleash your inner writer or other creative talent, then work on healing your trauma, which includes behavioral and thought patterns that might be holding you back. Get help from a coach, therapist, or mentor, and learn the tools that will change your life forever. My set of tools includes Alchemus Prime’s Lasting Transformation and Career Manifestation programs.
Releasing trauma is hard work, but the reward is to flow in the inspiration of your destined life. To live in love with your life, and never work a day…worth it, right?