Work + Love = Play
I’ve written previously about manifesting a career, what success means, and how important it is to foster our true selves to be happy in our work. This post is a follow up that explores some factors from academic-business bridge-builder Lauri Jarvilehto, that resonate with Alchemus Prime’s approach, and contribute to loving what we do:
- Flow: Recently I’ve been designing a logo for one of our partners, and in that process I lose track of time, just as I did for a whole week while writing Food of Love. Flow is when we become so immersed in action that we forget distractions and cruise in the moment, where inspiration and joy meet us. Being in a state of flow is a beautiful signal that we love what we do.
- Freedom: Each day, at a time of my choosing, I take a walk for inspiration from some combination of flowers, trees, bees, sky, the bay, and rocks, and channel that into my work. I work when I want to, and pause when I want to. I choose my clients based on shared core values. The freedom to express ourselves and work in the way we choose is critical to loving our work.
- Fulfillment: Often I write poetry to express my gratitude at how my work connects with the world. All my work is focused on the ultimate goal of protecting life on the planet by nurturing leaders and partnerships that improve wellness and reduce climate change, and this connectedness to life gives me an insatiable desire to continue doing what I do.
Of course, these factors only work for us if we put them into practice, and this requires intentionally crafting flow, freedom, and fulfillment into our work, and into our daily lives.
For me, there is one factor that is more fundamental than the above: Integrity. Being true to oneself is the starting point of any and all initiatives we engage in for anyone, including ourselves. This is why we focus so deeply on finding and nurturing the true self in each of our clients, to build leaders that are creating a new world where work and love are so mingled that every day is enhanced with a sense of play.

Loving our work means we craft freedom, flow, fulfillment, and most importantly, integrity in the paths we choose. Balancing personal purpose and professional talent for collective good is the sweet spot for loving what we do. I took this photo on the way to one of our career manifestation retreat locations in the Joshua Tree area in Southern California.